By: Anthony Maturo
Whether you’re new to South Florida or you’ve lived here for several years, you are vulnerable to power outages. These may develop as the result of a tropical storm or hurricane, or as the result of a higher-than-normal demand for power during a hot spell. Before you head to a generator outlet though, you need to know how to size a backup generator for home.
Call a Generator Outlet for Help
Don’t wait until a hurricane is whirling toward your South Florida community. Instead, prepare ahead of time, study the different generators available to help provide backup power, talk to the employees at several generator outlets and get a reliable estimate for the right-size emergency generator.
You know hurricane season begins in June and ends at the end of November every year. Of course, rogue storms do strike outside that hurricane season window, so you need to be ready for anything. As you’re thinking about the right kind of generator for your home’s electrical needs, learn how to choose a home generator.
Use a Generator Sizing Tool
Run a comparison. Several outlets, including Consumer Reports, advise homeowners to estimate how many watts they may use as they are looking for the right generator for their needs. Consumer Reports also suggest that you choose a generator model that is equal to the total wattage for which a generator will be providing backup power during the power outage that develops during and after a hurricane. As you are thinking about your choices, do remember that some of your appliances may “surge” when they first come on, so account for that.
Generac provides a tool that helps you determine the generator size you need for your home. By plugging in a few numbers and selecting the circuits needing power, you get an estimate. Follow Generac’s advice and have a professional look at your specific needs.
"While other homeowners are struggling to keep their perishable foods on ice, you’ll be living in your home, comfortably waiting for municipal power to be restored. No matter what brand you ultimately choose to buy, you need to be able to rely on your emergency generator."
Look at Generac
As you learn how to size a backup generator for your home, look at what Generac has to offer to homeowners. You’ll see that the generators they have in stock will help to power your South Florida home after a large storm. While other homeowners are struggling to keep their perishable foods on ice, you’ll be living in your home, comfortably waiting for municipal power to be restored. No matter what brand you ultimately choose to buy, you need to be able to rely on your emergency generator. If it is too small, you may not be able to use some of your electrical equipment. If you rely on a private water source, your sump pump may fail. As you think about how to choose a home generator, don’t forget about each appliance that relies on electrical power.
Different Sizes Do Matter
Size does matter. While you may be looking at your bank balance, smaller and less expensive isn’t better, according to Consumer Reports, especially if you need to power several electrical appliances.
Small portable runs your refrigerator, sump pump, some lights, your television and your microwave.
Midsized portable/small stationary will run all of the previous plus a portable heater, heating system, a second pump, computer and several more lights
Large portable runs all of the previous plus a small water heater, electric range and central air conditioner
Large whole-home standby generator runs all of the above plus a washer and dryer
You’re equipped with some basic information. Start researching generators and generator outlets so you’re ready for hurricane season.